Internet Engineering Task Force INTERNET-DRAFT Expires March 2003 Data-oriented networking by Brent Baccala August, 2002 This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at ABSTRACT Differentiates between connection-oriented and data-oriented networking, identifies the advantages of data-oriented networks, argues that Internet web architecture is becoming more data-oriented, and suggests ways of encouraging and accelerating this trend. Contemporary Internet architecture is heavily connection-oriented. IP underlies almost all Internet operations, and its fundamental operation is to deliver a data packet to an endpoint. TCP uses IP to sequence streams of data packets to those endpoints; higher-level services, such as HTTP, are built using TCP. All of these operations are based upon the underlying IP addresses, which identify specific machines and devices. Even UDP operations are connection-oriented in the sense that UDP addresses identify a specific machine on the Internet with which a connection (even just a single packet) must be established. Note that I use the term connection-oriented in a somewhat different sense than the traditional distinction between connection-oriented and connection less protocols. More recently, Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) have emerged as the dominant means for users to identify web resources. The distinction is not merely one of introducing a new protocol with new terminology, either. URLs are used to name blocks of data, not network devices. Especially with the advent of caching, it's now clear that a web browser may not have to make any network connections at all in order to retrieve and display a web page. "Retrieving" a URL differs significantly from opening an HTTP session, since an HTTP session implies a network connection to a named device, while accessing a URL implies only that its associated data (stored, perhaps, on a local disk) is made available. HTTP, SMTP, ssh, and other TCP-based protocols are inherently connection-oriented, while the URL is inherently data-oriented. The Internet is moving away from a connection-oriented model and becoming more data-oriented. Since the original Internet design was modeled, at least loosely, after a telephone system, all of its original protocols were connection-oriented. Increasingly, we're becoming aware that often a user is not interested in connecting to such-and-such a computer, but rather in retrieving a specific piece of data. Since such operations are so common, Internet architects need to recognize the distinction between connection-oriented and data-oriented operations and design networks to support both well. Data-oriented models will not replace connection-oriented models; sometimes, you'll still want to make the telephone call. Rather, the pros and cons of each need to be understand, so both can be incorporated into the Internet of the 21st century. To understand the emergence of data-oriented networking, it is useful to consider the historical development of the Internet. Initially, the driving application for what became the Internet was email, allowing virtually instantaneous communications over large distances, FTP and TELNET were second and third. FTP provided file transfer and a rudimentary publication system; TELNET extended the 1970s command line interface over the network, letting people "log in" over the net, thus allowing remote use and management of computer systems. Even in these early years of the Internet, the network was becoming more data-oriented than a cursory examination of its protocols would suggest. FTP archive sites, such as uunet and wuarchive, began assembling collections of useful data, including programs, protocol documents, and mailing list archives in central locations. Other sites began mirroring the archives, so that retrieving a particular program, for example, did not require a connection to a centralized server for the program, but only a connection to a convenient mirror site. The practice continues to this day. Of course, accessing the mirror sites required using the connection-oriented protocols, and the process of finding a mirror site or archive that contained the particular program you wanted remained largely a manual process. It still does. A significant change occurred during the 1980s - the appearance of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in personal computers by the end of the decade. In the early to mid 90s, the world wide web extended the GUI over the network, much as TELNET had extended the command line interface over the net. More than anything else, the web represents a global GUI, a means of providing the commonly accepted point-and-click interface to users around the world. It is impossible to understate the impact of the web. The GUI was a critical technology that made computers more accessible to the average person. No longer did you need to type cryptic instructions at a command prompt. To open a file, represented by a colorful icon, just move a pointer to it and click. Yet until the web, you still needed to use the old command-line interface to use the network. Your desktop PC might use a GUI, but connecting to another computer generally meant a venture into TELNET or FTP. The web extended the GUI metaphor over the network. Instead of learning FTP commands to retrieve a file, you could just browse to a web site and click on an icon. Other technologies could have provided a network GUI, but not as well as HTML and HTTP. X Windows certainly was designed specifically with network GUI applications in mind, but provided so little security that using it to "browse" potentially untrusted sites was never realistic. AT&T's Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is similar to X Windows, and is designed so that its effects can be confined to a single window. With some extensions, it could be used as the basis for a network GUI. However, both X Windows and VNC share a single common major flaw - they are connection-oriented protocols that presuppose a real-time link between client and server. The user types on the keyboard or clicks on a link, then the client transmits this input to the server, which processes the input and sends new information to the client, which redraws the screen. X Windows has never been widely used over the global Internet, because the bandwidth and delay requirements for interactive operation are more stringent than the network can typically provide. VNC is very useful for using GUI systems remotely, but still doesn't provide the performance of local software. The present HTML/HTTP-based design of the web does have one overwhelming advantage over X Windows / VNC, however. The web is data-oriented, not connection-oriented, or is at least more so than conventional protocols. A web page is completely defined by a block of HTML, which is downloaded in a single operation. Highlighting of links, typing into fill-in forms, scrolling - all are handled locally by the client. Rather than requiring a connection to remain open to communicate mouse and keyboard events back to the server, the entire behavior of the page is described in the HTML. The advent of web caches changes this paradigm subtly, but significantly. In a cache environment, the primitive operation in displaying a web page is no longer an end-to-end connection to the web server, but the delivery of a named block of data, specifically the HTML source code of a web page, identified by its URL. The presence of a particular DNS name in the URL does not imply that a connection will be made to that host to complete the request. If a local cache has a copy of the URL, it will simply be delivered, without any wide area operations. Only if the required data is missing from the local caches will network connections be opened to retrieve the data. Experience with web caches demonstrates that data-oriented networks provide several benefits. First, the bandwidth requirements of a heavily cached, data-oriented network is much less than a connection-oriented network. Connection-oriented protocols such as X windows, VNC, and TELNET presuppose a real-time connection between client and server, and in fact could not operate without such a connection, since the protocols do not specify how various user events, such as keyclicks, should be handled. All the protocols do is to relay the events across the network, where the server decides how to handle them, then sends new information back to the client in response. A data-oriented network, which specifies the entire behavior of the web page in a block of HTML, does not require a real-time connection to the server. Having retrieved the data to describe a web page, the connection can be severed and the user can browse through the page, scrolling, filling out forms, watching animations, all without any active network connection. Only when the user moves to another web page is a connection required to retrieve the data describing the new page. Furthermore, since the data describing the pages is completely self-contained, no connection to the original server is required at all if a copy of the web page can be found. A copy, stored anywhere on the network, works as well as the original. As the network becomes more data-oriented, fewer and briefer connections are required to carry out various operations, reducing overall network load. A data-oriented network is also more resilient to failures and partitions than a connection-oriented network. Consider the possibility of a major network failure, such as the hypothetical nuclear strike that originally motivated the Defense Department to build the packet-based network that evolved into the Internet. Modern routing protocols would probably do a fairly good job of rerouting connections around failed switching nodes, probably in a matter of minutes, but what if the destination server itself were destroyed? The connection would be lost, and no clear fallback path presents itself. The obvious solution is to have backup copies of the server's data stored in other locations, but creating and then finding these backups is currently done by hand. Existing routing protocols can reroute connections, but are woefully inadequate for rerouting data. A more mundane, but far more common scenario is the partitioned network. Simply operating in a remote area may dictate long periods of operation without network connectivity. In such an environment, it'd be convenient to drop any information that might be needed on a set of CD-ROMs. That works fine until the first search page comes up that connects to a specialized program on the web server, or a CGI script that presents dynamic content, or an image map. Solutions have been developed to put web sites on CD-ROMs - none of them standard, most of them incomplete. A more data-oriented design, that didn't depend on connections to a server, would be far better suited to such situations. HTML, the workhorse protocol of the web, was never designed with use as a network GUI in mind, even though this is the role it has evolved into. It's the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), and hypertext is not a GUI. Hypertext is text that includes hyperlinks. Perhaps we can expand the definition somewhat into a "hyperdocument" that can include colors, diagrams, pictures, and even animation. A GUI is much more than a hyperdocument, however. A GUI is a complete user interface that provides the human front end to a program. Not only can it include dialog boxes, pull down menus and complex mouse interactions, but more than anything else it provides the interface to a program, which could perform any arbitrary task, and is thus not just a document. The program could be a document browser, a document editor, a remote login client, a language translator, a simulation package, anything. What was pioneered by Xerox PARC, deployed by Apple Lisa, marketed by Macintosh and brought with such stunning success to the masses by Microsoft was not hypertext, but the GUI. The GUI is what we are trying to extend across the network, not hypertext, and thus HTML just isn't very well suited for the task. Since it wasn't designed to provide a network GUI, HTML doesn't provide the right primitives for the task it has been asked to perform, and thus we've seen a long series of alterations and enhancements. First there was HTML 2, then HTML 3, then HTML 4, now HTML with Cascading Style Sheets, soon XHTML, plus Java applets, Javascript, CGI scripts, servlets, etc, etc... The fact that HTML has had to change so much, and that the changes require network-wide software updates, is a warning sign that the protocol is poorly designed. The problem is that HTML has been conscripted as a network GUI, though, to this day, it has never been clearly designed with this goal in mind. Part of what is needed is a replacement for HTML specifically designed to act as a network GUI. In addition, one of the great challenges to a data-oriented model is dynamic pages. Presently, web caching protocols provide means for including meta information, in either HTTP or HTML, that inhibits caching on dynamic pages, and thus forces a connection back to the origin server. While this works, it breaks the data-oriented metaphor we'd like to transition towards. To maintain the flexibility of dynamic content in a data-oriented network, we need to lose the end-to-end connection requirement and this seems to imply caching the programs that generate the dynamic web pages. While cryptographic techniques for verifying the integrity of data have been developed and are increasingly widely deployed, no techniques are known for verifying the integrity of program execution on an untrusted host, such as a web cache. Baring a technological breakthrough, it seems impossible for a cache to reliably run the programs required to generate dynamic content. The only remaining solution is to cache the programs themselves (in the form of data), and let the clients run the programs and generate the dynamic content themselves. Thus, another part of what's needed is a standard for transporting and storing programs in the form of data. An important change in moving to a more data-oriented network would be to replace HTML with a standard specifically designed to provide a data-oriented network GUI. The features of this new protocol: 1) It must be data-oriented, not connection-oriented. Thus, the protocol must define a data format that can describe GUI behavior on a remote system. HTML already basically does this. 2) It must programmatic. The whole point is to eliminate the server and replace it with a standard, network-deliverable specification of the GUI behavior. The exact behaviors of GUI interfaces vary dramatically, and simply providing an escape mechanism to connect back to the server violates the data-oriented design goal. Thus, the protocol must implement powerful enough primitives to describe arbitrary GUI behaviors without escape mechanisms, i.e. it must support arbitrary programming constructs. 3) It must be secure. Since the program may be untrusted to the client, it must be limited from performing arbitrary operations on the client system. 4) It must provide GUI primitives, and cleanly interact with other GUI applications, such as window managers, and provide features such as drag-and-drop functionality between windows. 5) It must provide backwards compatibility with the existing web. The programmatic requirement fairly well dictates some kind of virtual machine architecture, and the obvious candidate is therefore Java, but Java may or may not be the best choice. Netscape began work on a 100% Java web browser, but abandoned this effort in 1998. Commenting on the demise of "Javagator", Marc Andreesen quipped - "it's slower, it will crash more and have fewer features... it will simplify your life". This misses the point. We're not trying to build an Java-based HTML web browser that would simply achieve cross-platform operability. The goal is to build a web browser that, as its primary metaphor, presents arbitrary Java-based GUIs to the user. HTML could be displayed using a Java HTML browser. The difference is that the web site designer controls the GUI by providing the Java engine for the client to use for displaying any particular page. Switching to a different web site (or web page) might load a different GUI for interacting with that site's HTML, or XML, or whatever. Unlike Andreesen's "Javagator", the choose of GUI is under control of the web server, not tied into a Java/HTML web browser. For example, consider if a web site wants to allow users to edit its HTML pages in a controlled way. Currently, you have a few choices, none completely satisfactory. First, you could put your HTML in an HTML textbox, and allow the user to edit it directly, clicking a submit button to commit it and see what the page will actually look like. Alternately, you could allow the HTML to be edited with Netscape Composer or some third party HTML editor on the client, accepting the HTML back from the client in a POST operation. This provides the server very little control over exactly what the user can and can't do to the page. Since parts of the page might be automatically generated, this isn't satisfactory, nor do we really know much about this unspecified "third party editor". On the other hand, with a Java browser, the web site could simply provide a modified HTML engine that would allow the user to edit the page, in a manner completely specified by the web designer, prohibiting modifications to parts of the page automatically generated, and allowing special cases, such as spreadsheet tables with the page, to be handled specially. Another advantage to this proposal is that it provides a solution to a problem plaguing XML - how do you actually display to the user the information you've encoded in XML? This is left glaringly unaddressed by the XML standards, the solution seeming to be that you either use a custom application capable of manipulating the particular XML data structures, or present the data in two different formats - XHTML for humans and XML for machines. A Java-based web browser addresses this problem. You ship only one format - XML - along with a Java application that parses and presents it to the user. On the other hand, let's keep Andressen's criticism in mind. Java may not be suitable for such a protocol, for either technical or political reasons. The speed issues seem to be largely addressed by the current generation of Just-In-Time (JIT) Java runtimes, but whatever the standard is, it should be an RFC-published, IETF standard-track protocol, and if the intellectual property issues around Java preclude this, then something else needs to replace it. Alternatives include Parrot, the yet unfinished Perl 6 runtime, and Microsoft's .NET architecture, based around a virtual machine architecture recently adopted as ECMA standard ECMA-335. PDF also deserves consideration. Though it lacks the generality to provide a network GUI, its presentation handling is vastly superior to HTML's, giving the document author complete control over page layout, and allowing the user to zoom the document to any size for easy viewing. It is also easier to render than HTML, since its page layout is more straightforward for the browser to understand. A definite metaphor shift is required. Rather than viewing HTML as the primary standard defining the web, the primary standard must become Java or something like it, that provides full programmability. Browsing a web page becomes downloading and running the code that defines that page's behavior, rather than downloading and displaying HTML, that might contain an embedded applet. Backwards compatability can be provided along the lines of HotJava, Sun's proprietary Java-based web browser, which implements HTML in Java. To display an HTML page, Java classes are loaded which parse the HTML and display it within a Java application. The browser provides little more than a Java runtime that can download arbitrary Java and run it in a controlled environment. Initially, 99% of the pages would be HTML, viewed using a standard (and cached) HTML engine coded in Java. Notwithstanding the creeping featurism present in Java, adopting this approach would avoid the creeping featurism so grossly apparent in web browsers. Even the casual observer will note that mail, news, and teleconferencing are simply bloat that results in multi-megabyte "kitchen sink" browsers. Will the next release of Netscape, one might ask, contain an Emacs mail editor with its embedded LISP dialect? And if not, why not? Only because the majority of users wouldn't use Emacs to edit their mail? Why should we all be forced to use one type of email browser? Why should we have Netscape's email browser packaged into our web browser if we don't use it? Like the constant versioning of HTML, the shear size of modern browsers is a warning sign that the web architecture is fundamentally flawed. A careful attempt to standardize "network Java" would hopefully result in smaller, more powerful browsers that don't have to be upgraded every time W3C revs HTML; you simply update the Java GUI on those particular sites that are taking advantage of the newer features. Another tremendous advantage is the increased flexibility provided to web designers. HTML took a big step in this direction with Cascading Style Sheets, but CSS doesn't provide the power of a full GUI. For example, if a web page designer wanted to, he could publish an HTML page with a custom Java handler that allowed certain parts of the HTML text to be selectively edited by the user. This simply can't be done using CSS. Network-deliverable, data-oriented GUIs aren't a panacea, or course. For starters, one of the advantages of the present model is that all web pages have more or less the same behavior (since they are all viewed with the same GUI). The "Back" and "Forward" buttons are always in the same place, the history function always works the same way, you click on a link and basically the same thing happens as happens on any other page. Providing the web designer with the ability to load a custom GUI changes all that. Standards need to be developed for finding and respecting user preferences concerning the appearance of toolbars, the sizing of fonts, the operation of links. The maturing Java standards have already come a long way towards addressing issues such as drag-and-drop that would have to be effectively implemented in any network GUI. Hurdles need be crossed before we can reach a point where web designers can depend on Java-specific features. One possibility would be to migrate by presenting newer web pages to older browsers using a Java applet embedded in the web page. Performance might suffer, but clever design would hopefully make it tolerable. For starters, consider that the web page data presented to the applet need not be the source HTML, but could be a processed version with page layout already done. Newer, Java-only browsers should be leaner and faster. In summary, I recommend the following steps: 1. Recognize the importance of data-oriented design, as opposed to connection-oriented design. Break the dependence on special server configurations and realize that the client has to do almost all the work in a scalable, cached, redundant web architecture. 2. Migrate the web towards being based on a model of a network GUI, rather than a massively enhanced hypertext system. 3. Select a standard for the network delivery of executable content, Java being the most likely candidate 4. Develop a Java-based HTML browser along the lines of HotJava, but completely open, allowing existing HTML-based websites to be browsed via Java. Provide an applet version that allows web designers to specify a custom Java applet to browse their HTML sites using conventional web browsers. 5. Develop a lean, fully Java-based web browser, with Multivalent being the most obvious candidate. 6. Recognize the transient nature of HTML/HTTP and specify their operation in terms of a generic API, based on the network executable content standard (probably Java), for finding and delivering the GUI presented by a specified URL. With all the inertia built up behind the present web design, one needs to question the wisdom of abandoning HTML and completely re-vamping the structure of the web, even if a migration path is in place. The promise of data-oriented networking is a leaner, more reliable, more efficient network. Ultimately, if this analysis is correct, then the cost of migrating away from a flawed design will ultimately be less than the cost of constantly shoehorning it. However, in his essay, "The Rise of 'Worse is Better'", Richard Gabriel suggests "that it is often undesirable to go for the right thing first. It is better to get half of the right thing available so that it spreads like a virus." Bearing this in mind, I've proposed an alternate set of recommendations, aimed at something more immediately practical, in a companion essay, "Standardized caching of dynamic web content". At the same time, I think it's time to take another look at the Java-based web browser, and to seriously ask if Java isn't a better choice than HTML for a network standard GUI. REFERENCES Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) / Extensible Markup Language (XML) HTML has a long and sordid history. HTML version 2, specified in RFC 1866, was one of the earliest (1995) documented HTML versions. Later revisions added tables (RFC 1942), applets (HTML 3.2), JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (HTML 4.01). Universal Resource Locators RFC 1630 - Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW RFC 1737 - Functional Requirements for Uniform Resource Names, a short document notable for its high-level overview of URN requirements RFC 1738 - Uniform Resource Locators, a technical document of more importance to programmers than architects Authentication International standard X.509 (not available on-line) DNS Security RFC 2535 - Domain Name System Security Extensions RFC 2536 - DSA KEYs and SIGs in the Domain Name System RFC 2538 - Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System RFC 3110 - RSA/SHA-1 SIGs and RSA KEYs in the Domain Name System Postscript/PDF Postscript specification PDF Reference: Adobe portable document format version 1.4 (ISBN 0-201-75839-3) Ghostscript - freely available Postscript interpreter that also reads and writes PDF and thus can be used to convert PS to PDF Multivalent (see below) includes a Java PDF viewer html2ps - a largely illegible Perl script written by Jan Karrman to convert HTML to Postscript. Yes, it can be done. X Windows Developed by an MIT-lead consortium, X Windows is one of the most successful network GUIs VNC (Virtual Network Computing) Similar in concept to X Windows, but radically different in design - an absurdly simple protocol combined with various compression techniques to achieve decent WAN performance Java Java Virtual Machine (JVM) specification Bill Venner's excellent Under the Hood series for JavaWorld is a better starting point than the spec for understanding JVM. He also has written a book - Inside the Java Virtual Machine (McGraw-Hill; ISBN 0-07-913248-0) Java 2 language reference Java languages page Criticism of Java Other virtual machines Perl 5 runtime Parrot - Perl 6 runtime Microsoft's .NET architecture includes the Common Language Infrastucture, based around a virtual machine, now adopted as ECMA-335 Various Java-based web browsers HotJava, Sun's Java browser, but with binary-only licensing Multivalent, an open-source web browser written totally in Java, with an extension API to add "behaviors" similar to applets NetBeans, an attempt to develop a "fully functional Java browser" Jazilla, a now defunct attempt to carry the "Javagator" project forward under an open source banner Java Servlets/WARs "Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies." Java Servlets - server-side Java API (CGI-inspired; heavily HTTP-based) The Java servlet specification includes a chapter specifying the WAR (Web Application Archive) file format, an extension of ZIP/JAR Caching RFC 3040 - Internet Web Replication and Caching Taxonomy broad overview of caching technology RFC 2186 - Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), version 2 RFC 2187 - Application of ICP Squid software NLANR web caching project Various collections of resources for web caching IETF Web Intermediaries working group (webi) IETF Web Replication and Caching working group (wrec) RFC 3143 - Known HTTP Proxy/Caching problems Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP) - used by Squid RFC 2756 - Hypertext Caching Protocol (HTCP) - use by Squid Napster and its variants Napster, the original peer-to-peer file sharing service, has been fraught with legal difficulties, having recently entered bankruptcy Napster's protocol lives on, even if the service is dead. It's basically a centralized directory with distributed data Gnutella has emerged as the leading post-Napster protocol, employing both a distributed directory and distributed data Several popular clients use the Gnutella network and protocol Other proprietary peer-to-peer systems Other free peer-to-peer systems Richard Gabriel, "The Rise of 'Worse is Better'" Brent Baccala, "Standardized caching of dynamic web content"
On Napster, a website facilitating the on-line exchange of digital music, has been highly publicized by the mass media. The legal wrangling over copyright issues has overshadowed other, equally legitimate questions. Is Napster for real, or is it just hype? Are the issues it presents purely legal, or are there technical lessons to be learned, too? What does Napster reveal about the future of the Internet?
First, we need to recognize that Napster represents a real technological advance. It is one of the newest and most prominent examples of a directory service. Directory services are based on the realization that centralized data stores tend to generate performance bottlenecks. All the data being served to the clients has to come from a centralized server or a handful of centralized servers. Throwing bandwidth at the problem is sometimes realistic, but a better solution is to design more efficient networks. Distributing data sources across the network is a major, emerging technique for achieving greater efficiency.
For example, one of the reasons we currently lack decent video-on-demand services are the bandwidth requirements of video. It’s simply not feasible to construct a centralized server to feed two hour movies to a million people. The bandwidth requirements are too great; the centralized server becomes too much of a bottleneck. A Napster-esk solution would be to have thousands of video servers, each capable of serving perhaps a dozen video streams, spread all over the network. Due to the current bandwidth demands of video, this is still unrealistic, but similar schemes are immediately plausible for books, software, and websites in general.
In fact, it’s reasonable to suppose that at least 90% of the present Internet’s traffic is unnecessary. The net is young and rapidly evolving. The protocols currently in use are inefficient, some more so than others. As the network continues to mature, it will become more efficient, and the bandwidth requirements of particular applications will decrease. The present boom in bandwidth demand is driven by new users and new applications. At some point, most people will be “connected”, and the uses of the network will stabilize. From that point onward, improvements in network design will begin to drive bandwidth requirements downward. The network will be most inefficient while it is young, so we can expect bandwidth requirements to peak at some point, I’d estimate within the next two decades, and then begin heading down.
Directory services such as Napster will be instrumental in reducing demand for network bandwidth. Other keys to more effectively using bandwidth are compression, caching, and multicast, all of which are in their infancy. Many issues remain to be addressed, for example, server selection. Napster currently presents the user with a list of servers for each song, one of which is manually selected to download the song from. Developing automated techniques for server selection will be an important step forward in making this technology more seamless, and therefore more attractive for other applications.
Security deserves special mention, since distributing data across the net would seem to seriously compromise security, but this is probably not so. Encrypting the data allows it to be distributed even to insecure servers, which could serve the data, but couldn’t read it. Then, the centralized directory would provide a key that could be used to decrypt and read the data. Controlling access to the key would control access to the data. Typically block cipher keys are only a few dozen bytes long, so access to a 100KB file could be granted by a directory server in less than 1KB – a 100-to-1 savings in centralized bandwidth requirements. The authenticity of the data could be verified by X.509 certificates – placed in the directory, of course.
While Napster represents a real advance over older, more centralized, techniques, this doesn’t mean that the current protocol can’t be improved. Let me outline how I’d redesign Napster, if I were given the task:
- Use LDAP. The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) has become an accepted standard for directory service. Furthermore, a “pure” directory service, such as Napster, doesn’t require any special handling on the part of the directory server. All the server has to do is register directory entries, then fed them back out again in response to search requests. A standard LDAP server, such as OpenLDAP, could be used unmodified.
- Define and publish a standard schema. LDAP, and directory access protocols in general, use “schemas” to define the format of directory entries. In Napster’s case, a standard schema would probably include a “Song” class, defining artist, title, and year, and perhaps an “Album” class, listing all the tracks on a particular album. The “Song” class could then be extended (subclassed) into a “NetSong” class that would also include URLs where the song can be accessed. Using a standard, published schema would clearly define the directory structure, and make it easier to reuse the directory for new applications.
- Use HTTP or FTP. Just as there’s no need to create a custom directory service, there’s no need to invent new file transfer methods, either. Specifying a URL in the directory entry, using one of the standard methods, “http:” or “ftp:”, should suffice. Of course, most “clients” aren’t set up to be “servers”. In the present computing environment, Napster would be quite hard to configure if it relied on an external web or FTP server, and much more complex if it included an entire web server within it. The “peer-to-peer” paradigm ultimately implies that a machine can be simultaneously both a client and a server, and must be configured to act as both. This obviously contrasts with Microsoft’s policy of separate “client” and “server” operating system packages (the “server” usually being much more expensive), but free software hasn’t solved this problem completely, either. How exactly does an arbitrary software program go about registering itself with the local web server in order to share files?
Napster isn’t the first directory based system to be deployed on the Internet, but it is one of the newest and most exciting. If the government and economic leaders can be persuaded to surrender a measure of control, its decentralized nature may pave the way to a more distributed and more efficient network.
Wireless Internet
For a long time, conventional wisdom held that the telephone system was a natural monopoly, or at least a natural oligopoly, because of the need for a large physical infrastructure, namely, the telephone wires. In recent years, though, the widespread deployment of cellular telephones illustrates that this is not necessarily true. Clearly, cell phone networks are capable of handling significant traffic loads and delivering near-landline quality of service. The emergence of all-digital cellular telephones, such as PCS, shows that data can be effectively transferred using wireless, and leads me to wonder; could we build a totally wireless Internet?
I’m not the only person to ask this question. The Ricochet Network has been in operation for several years now, the PalmVII handheld offers wireless Internet access, and companies such as Intel are promoting the Mobile Data Initiative. Yet these efforts are largely technical in nature, while I perceive wireless as changing the fundamental rules of the game. Without dependence on a landline infrastructure, is telecommunications really a natural oligopoly anymore? Could we build a free wireless digital communications system?
Decentralization, not privatization,
should be the buzzword of freedom.
First, what do I mean by the term “free”? Primarily two things – first, the absence of recurring charges, such as monthly or per-minute fees, and second, an open, non-proprietary infrastructure free from patent or regulatory barriers to entry. The only fee I’m prepared to concede is the initial purchase price of the equipment itself. The telephone will ideally become like a computer or a microwave oven – once you purchase it, you can continue using it free of charge.
The capitalist model would be for the communication system to be controlled by companies, driven by competition to improve service, but with access limited by economic barriers, i.e, the phone gets switched off if you don’t pay your bill. The socialist model would ensure access by having the government control the phone system, as well everything else. A better solution than either would be to eliminate the large institutions entirely, by eliminating the centralized infrastructure. Decentralization, not privatization, should be the buzzword of freedom.
A decentralized communications infrastructure would have to be based primarily, if not totally, on wireless radio technology. Any non-wireless service, such as the existing telephone system, would require landlines connecting to a central office, implying right-of-ways, centralized ownership of the lines, and consequent dependence on large institutions, either governments or corporations. Only a wireless scheme would allow devices to communicate directly, without any centralized infrastructure.
Current wireless technology (i.e, cell phones) still rely on centralized infrastructure. Sadly, they’re designed to rely on it. A cell phone communicates exclusively with a radio tower, which then relays the call to its destination, typically over landlines. As the cell phone moves, it switches from one tower to another, but never communicates directly with another cell phone. I can’t make a phone call from one car to the next without going through a radio tower.
What’s needed is a new kind of wireless infrastructure – one where the telephones and computers are designed to communicate directly with each other, without relying on a phone company’s switches. Clearly, if I have such a wireless telephone, and my next door neighbor has such a telephone, they can directly connect and we can talk without any dependence on third parties, and consequently without any recuring charges.
Yet, the big question remains – can I call from Maryland to California with such a telephone? Hopefully, the answer is yes, and the key lies in the routing technology of the Internet. A typical Internet connection will be relayed through a dozen or more routers. No single connection exists between the source and the destination, but by patching together dozens of connections, a path can be traced through the network for the data to flow through. Network engineers have spent literally decades developing the software technology to find these paths quickly. Theoretically, there is no single point of failure in the system, since the routers can change the data paths on-the-fly if some part of the network fails. The keys to making it work are the adherence to open standards, such as TCP/IP, and the availability of multiple redundant paths through the network.
A wireless infrastructure can be built on similar technology. If I can call my neighbor’s telephone directly, and my neighbor’s telephone can reach the grocery store’s telephone directly, they I can call the grocery store by relaying the data through my neighbor’s telephone. If adequate bandwidth is designed into the system, my neighbor’s telephone can relay the data without any impairment to her service. She can be talking to her hairdresser without even knowing that her phone is relaying my conversation with the grocery clerk.
What stands in the way of building such a free, national digital communications infrastructure?
First, the presence of standards. Just as English is the standard used by the author and readers of this document, and TCP/IP is the standard used by the Internet devices that relay the document, standards are required for the wireless devices to communicate. IEEE recently standardized a wireless data LAN (802.11) capable of handling 1 to 2 Mbps. To put this into perspective, an uncompressed voice conversation requires 64 Kbps. Thus, a 1 Mbps circuit could handle 15 such conversations. Not only can I talk to the grocery store while my neighbor talks to the hairdresser, but a dozen other people can use the same circuit with any service impairment. Newer compression techniques can improve this performance by a factor of ten.
IEEE 802.11 is a good start, but the power limitations imposed by FCC regulations may impede its use for any but short-range applications. However, Metrocom’s Ricochet network demonstrates that this might not be a show stopper. Working in conjunction with power companies, Metrocom pioneered the novel approach of putting low-power radio repeaters on existing utility poles. The repeaters communicated directly with each other, eliminated the need for a landline data connection; only power was required, which was readily available on the pole. A similar approach could be used to build a network that would provide 802.11 coverage to an entire metropolitan area.
Also, the existing 802.11 devices aren’t very sophisticated in their design. They’re designed to be cheap, not effective. Their single most glaring problem is their antenna design. Existing 802.11 transceivers use mainly low-gain, omnidirectional antennas, although Raytheon recently announced the availability of an 802.11 PCMCIA card with a jack for connecting an external, hopeful better, antenna. Improved antennas will probably take one of two forms. Adaptive arrays are preferred by the military, and justly so, but are complex and expensive. Directional arrays, typified by TV aerials, are simpler and therefore cheaper, but must be physically pointed at their destination. One possible scenario would be for routers to use the more expensive adaptive arrays, and for end systems to use mechanically steered antennas. In my opinion, the development of improved 802.11 devices is the single most important advance needed today.
Second, an initial infrastructure is required. A 802.11 telephone would be a popular item if everyone else had one, but initially few people would possess such devices, making it difficult if not impossible to route a connection through such a sparse matrix. Philanthropies could be formed to build infrastructures. A Ricochet-type network could be deployed in cooperation with power companies, who might be persuaded to donate the relatively small amounts of electricity the routers would consume. After an initial investment in the (hopefully) rugged and scalable pole-top devices, the entire network could be managed from a central location. At this point, the network would provide 802.11 service to an entire metropolitan area, jump-starting the service. As more and more people bought these devices, each capable of relaying traffic on its own, the dependence on the initial infrastructure would diminish, hopefully to the point where the pole-top devices wouldn’t need replacement when they started to fail.
Furthermore, users would want to call telephones on the conventional phone network, requiring some sort of gateway. A solution to this chicken-and-egg problem would be to provide mechanisms for some fee-based services. Thus, a service provider could construct a network that would, for a monthly fee, interconnect its users and provide gateway service to the existing phone network. It’s possible that the only fee the provider would need to charge would be for the gateway service – initially, almost all connections would go through the gateway, since few people would have the new phones and most calls would be relayed onto the existing phone system. As the wireless network became more and more widely deployed, more and more destinations would go wireless, and the reliance on gateway systems would diminish.
In short, wireless is in its infancy. This exciting new technology offers great possibilities not just to expand existing phone and data networks, but to break down the old service models and replace them with newer, more decentralized designs. The oft-touted idea of the free phone call might even become a reality.