Dynamic addressing

A theorem of Thorup and Zwick (Proposition 5.1 in 2001’s Approximate Distance Oracles) states that a routing function on a network with n nodes and m edges uses, on average, at least min(m,n^2) bits of storage if the “route stretch” (the ratio between actual path length and optimal path length) is less than 3 (i.e, if two nodes are two hops apart, the actual route taken between them must be less than six hops). On the Internet topology, we can expect the n^2 term to dominate, so spreading these n^2 bits out among n nodes yields an average of n bits per node – i.e, each router’s routing table has to hold one bit for every device on the network.

Not a very encouraging result for those of us designing routing protocols.

Yet there is hope. The result is only an average. We can do better than the average if we allow our routing function to be skewed towards certain network topologies. And it occurs to me that the Internet doesn’t change fast enough that we can’t skew our routing function towards the current network topology.

How can we do this? With dynamic addressing: skewing our address summarization scheme to reflect the current network topology.

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