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6.4.7. RSA MD4 Cryptographic Checksum Using DES alternative

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6.4.7. RSA MD4 Cryptographic Checksum Using DES alternative

6.4.7. RSA MD4 Cryptographic Checksum Using DES alternative


The RSA-MD4-DES-K checksum calculates a keyed collision-proof checksum by applying the RSA MD4 checksum algorithm and encrypting the results using DES in cipherblock-chaining (CBC) mode using a DES key as both key and initialization vector. The resulting checksum is 16 octets long. This checksum is tamper-proof and believed to be collision-proof. Note that this checksum type is the old method for encoding the RSA-MD4-DES checksum and it is no longer recommended.

Next: 6.4.8. DES cipher-block chained checksum alternative (desmac-k)

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6.4.7. RSA MD4 Cryptographic Checksum Using DES alternative