Dig, the domain information grouper, is a tool that sends DNS queries to servers and prints the replies. I think most network engineers find it more useful than nslookup, which has now be depricated by ISC, anyway.
The Web form below uses a Perl script to make DNS queries. It's output is similar to Dig, but not identical, since it's purely Perl-based, so that it works on Windows systems that don't have Dig. If it doesn't work, try the original version at freesoft.org. Dig is available as part of the Bind distribution.
$ dig @ www.freesoft.org A IN
;; query( www.freesoft.org A IN ) ;; udp send []:53 ;; reply from [] 140 bytes ;; HEADER SECTION ;; id = 57553 ;; qr = 1 aa = 0 tc = 0 rd = 1 opcode = QUERY ;; ra = 1 z = 0 ad = 0 cd = 0 rcode = NOERROR ;; qdcount = 1 ancount = 5 nscount = 0 arcount = 0 ;; do = 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION (1 record) ;; www.freesoft.org. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION (5 records) www.freesoft.org. 300 IN CNAME dueu8q3q1ezfh.cloudfront.net. dueu8q3q1ezfh.cloudfront.net. 60 IN A dueu8q3q1ezfh.cloudfront.net. 60 IN A dueu8q3q1ezfh.cloudfront.net. 60 IN A dueu8q3q1ezfh.cloudfront.net. 60 IN A ;; AUTHORITY SECTION (0 records) ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION (0 records) ;; errorstring: NOERROR ;; query status: NOERROR