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3.3 Wildcard Key Punch Through

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3.3 Wildcard Key Punch Through

3.3 Wildcard Key Punch Through

Just as a zone key is valid throughout the entire zone, update keys with wildcard names are valid throughout their extended scope, within the zone. That is, they remain valid for any name that would match them, even existing specific names within their apparent scope.

If this were not so, then whenever a name within a wildcard scope was created by dynamic update, it would be necessary to first create a copy of the KEY RR with this name, because otherwise the existence of the more specific name would hide the authorizing KEY RR and would make later updates impossible. An updater could create such a KEY RR but could not zone sign it with their authorizing signer. They would have to sign it with the same key using the wildcard name as signer. Thus in creating, for example, one hundred type A RRs authorized by a * KEY RR, without key punch through 100 As, 100 KEYs, and 200 SIGs would have to be created as opposed to merely 100 As and 100 SIGs with key punch through.

Next: 4. Update Signatures

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
3.3 Wildcard Key Punch Through