Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
A. Internet Media Type message/http

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A. Internet Media Type message/http

A. Internet Media Type message/http

In addition to defining the HTTP/1.0 protocol, this document serves as the specification for the Internet media type "message/http". The following is to be registered with IANA [13].

       Media Type name:         message

       Media subtype name:      http

       Required parameters:     none

       Optional parameters:     version, msgtype

              version: The HTTP-Version number of the enclosed message
                       (e.g., "1.0"). If not present, the version can be
                       determined from the first line of the body.

              msgtype: The message type -- "request" or "response". If
                       not present, the type can be determined from the
                       first line of the body.

       Encoding considerations: only "7bit", "8bit", or "binary" are

       Security considerations: none

Next: B. Tolerant Applications

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
A. Internet Media Type message/http