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11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause
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RFC 1902
11. Appendix A: de-OSIfying a MIB module
11.1. Managed Object Mapping
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11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause
11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause
When mapping to the SYNTAX clause of the OBJECT-TYPE macro:
- An object with BOOLEAN syntax becomes a TruthValue [3].
- An object with INTEGER syntax becomes an Integer32.
- An object with ENUMERATED syntax becomes an INTEGER with
enumerations, taking any of the values given which can be
represented with an Integer32.
- An object with BIT STRING syntax having enumerations becomes a BITS
- An object with BIT STRING syntax but no enumerations becomes an
- An object with a character string syntax becomes either an OCTET
STRING, or a DisplayString [3], depending on the repertoire of the
character string.
- A non-tabular object with a complex syntax, such as REAL or
EXTERNAL, must be decomposed, usually into an OCTET STRING (if
sensible). As a rule, any object with a complicated syntax should
be avoided.
- Tabular objects must be decomposed into rows of columnar objects.
Next: 11.1.2. Mapping to the UNITS clause
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11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause