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11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause

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11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause

11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause

When mapping to the SYNTAX clause of the OBJECT-TYPE macro:

  1. An object with BOOLEAN syntax becomes a TruthValue [3].

  2. An object with INTEGER syntax becomes an Integer32.

  3. An object with ENUMERATED syntax becomes an INTEGER with enumerations, taking any of the values given which can be represented with an Integer32.

  4. An object with BIT STRING syntax having enumerations becomes a BITS construct.

  5. An object with BIT STRING syntax but no enumerations becomes an OCTET STRING.

  6. An object with a character string syntax becomes either an OCTET STRING, or a DisplayString [3], depending on the repertoire of the character string.

  7. A non-tabular object with a complex syntax, such as REAL or EXTERNAL, must be decomposed, usually into an OCTET STRING (if sensible). As a rule, any object with a complicated syntax should be avoided.

  8. Tabular objects must be decomposed into rows of columnar objects.

Next: 11.1.2. Mapping to the UNITS clause

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
11.1.1. Mapping to the SYNTAX clause