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10.2. Object Definitions
Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
Requests For Comments
RFC 1902
10. Extending an Information Module
Prev: 10.1. Object Assignments
Next: 10.3. Notification Definitions
10.2. Object Definitions
10.2. Object Definitions
An object definition may be revised in any of the following ways:
- A SYNTAX clause containing an enumerated INTEGER may have new
enumerations added or existing labels changed.
- A STATUS clause value of "current" may be revised as "deprecated"
or "obsolete". Similarly, a STATUS clause value of "deprecated"
may be revised as "obsolete".
- A DEFVAL clause may be added or updated.
- A REFERENCE clause may be added or updated.
- A UNITS clause may be added.
- A conceptual row may be augmented by adding new columnar objects at
the end of the row.
- Entirely new objects may be defined, named with previously
unassigned OBJECT IDENTIFIER values.
Otherwise, if the semantics of any previously defined object are
changed (i.e., if a non-editorial change is made to any clause other
those specifically allowed above), then the OBJECT IDENTIFIER value
associated with that object must also be changed.
Note that changing the descriptor associated with an existing object
is considered a semantic change, as these strings may be used in an
IMPORTS statement.
Finally, note that if an object has the value of its STATUS clause
changed, then the value of its DESCRIPTION clause should be updated
Next: 10.3. Notification Definitions
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10.2. Object Definitions