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8.5. Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE value
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RFC 1902
8. Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro
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8.5. Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE value
8.5. Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE value
The value of an invocation of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE macro is the name
of the notification, which is an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an
administratively assigned name. In order to achieve compatibility
with the procedures employed by proxy agents (see Section 3.1.2 of
[7]), the next to last sub-identifier in the name of any newly-
defined notification must have the value zero.
Sections 4.2.6 and 4.2.7 of [6] describe how the NOTIFICATION-TYPE
macro is used to generate a SNMPv2-Trap-PDU or InformRequest-PDU,
Next: 8.6. Usage Example
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8.5. Mapping of the NOTIFICATION-TYPE value