Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia Creation and Deletion of Conceptual Rows

Up: Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
Up: Requests For Comments
Up: RFC 1902
Up: 7. Mapping of the OBJECT-TYPE macro
Up: 7.1. Mapping of the SYNTAX clause
Up: 7.1.12. Conceptual Tables
Prev: 7.1.12. Conceptual Tables
Next: 7.2. Mapping of the UNITS clause Creation and Deletion of Conceptual Rows Creation and Deletion of Conceptual Rows For newly-defined conceptual rows which allow the creation of new object instances and/or the deletion of existing object instances, there should be one columnar object with a SYNTAX clause value of RowStatus (a textual convention defined in [3]) and a MAX-ACCESS clause value of read-create. By convention, this is termed the status column for the conceptual row.

Next: 7.2. Mapping of the UNITS clause

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia Creation and Deletion of Conceptual Rows