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7.1.9. Opaque

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7.1.9. Opaque

7.1.9. Opaque

The Opaque type is provided solely for backward-compatibility, and shall not be used for newly-defined object types.

The Opaque type supports the capability to pass arbitrary ASN.1 syntax. A value is encoded using the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules [4] into a string of octets. This, in turn, is encoded as an OCTET STRING, in effect "double-wrapping" the original ASN.1 value.

Note that a conforming implementation need only be able to accept and recognize opaquely-encoded data. It need not be able to unwrap the data and then interpret its contents.

A requirement on "standard" MIB modules is that no object may have a SYNTAX clause value of Opaque.

Next: 7.1.10. Counter64

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
7.1.9. Opaque