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7.1.6. Counter32

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7.1.6. Counter32

7.1.6. Counter32

The Counter32 type represents a non-negative integer which monotonically increases until it reaches a maximum value of 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal), when it wraps around and starts increasing again from zero.

Counters have no defined "initial" value, and thus, a single value of a Counter has (in general) no information content. Discontinuities in the monotonically increasing value normally occur at re- initialization of the management system, and at other times as specified in the description of an object-type using this ASN.1 type. If such other times can occur, for example, the creation of an object instance at times other than re-initialization, then a corresponding object should be defined with a SYNTAX clause value of TimeStamp (a textual convention defined in [3]) indicating the time of the last discontinuity.

The value of the MAX-ACCESS clause for objects with a SYNTAX clause value of Counter32 is either "read-only" or "accessible-for-notify".

A DEFVAL clause is not allowed for objects with a SYNTAX clause value of Counter32.

Next: 7.1.7. Gauge32

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
7.1.6. Counter32