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5.2.2 Procedure 2: DUMP - Return mount entries

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5.2.2 Procedure 2: DUMP - Return mount entries

5.2.2 Procedure 2: DUMP - Return mount entries


      mountlist MOUNTPROC3_DUMP(void) = 2;

      typedef struct mountbody *mountlist;

      struct mountbody {
           name       ml_hostname;
           dirpath    ml_directory;
           mountlist  ml_next;


Procedure DUMP returns the list of remotely mounted file systems. The mountlist contains one entry for each client host name and directory pair.


This list is derived from a list maintained on the server of clients that have requested file handles with the MNT procedure. Entries are removed from this list only when a client calls the UMNT or UMNTALL procedure. Entries may become stale if a client crashes and does not issue either UMNT calls for all of the file systems that it had previously mounted or a UMNTALL to remove all entries that existed for it on the server.


There are no MOUNT protocol errors which can be returned from this procedure. However, RPC errors may be returned for authentication or other RPC failures.

Next: 5.2.3 Procedure 3: UMNT - Remove mount entry

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5.2.2 Procedure 2: DUMP - Return mount entries