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7.7. The Video Content-Type

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7.7. The Video Content-Type

7.7. The Video Content-Type

A Content-Type of "video" indicates that the body contains a time- varying-picture image, possibly with color and coordinated sound. The term "video" is used extremely generically, rather than with reference to any particular technology or format, and is not meant to preclude subtypes such as animated drawings encoded compactly. The subtype "mpeg" refers to video coded according to the MPEG standard [MPEG].

Note that although in general this document strongly discourages the mixing of multiple media in a single body, it is recognized that many so-called "video" formats include a representation for synchronized audio, and this is explicitly permitted for subtypes of "video".

The formal grammar for the content-type header field for data of type video is given by:

   video-type := "video" "/" ("mpeg" / extension-token)

Next: 7.8. Experimental Content-Type Values

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
7.7. The Video Content-Type