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2.5. The SNMPv2 Contexts Database Group

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2.5. The SNMPv2 Contexts Database Group

2.5. The SNMPv2 Contexts Database Group

   -- the SNMPv2 contexts database group

   snmpContexts   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyMIBObjects 2 }

   contextTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF ContextEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
               "The SNMPv2 Context database."
       ::= { snmpContexts 1 }

   contextEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      ContextEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
               "Locally held information about a particular
               SNMPv2 context."
       INDEX      { IMPLIED contextIdentity }
       ::= { contextTable 1 }

   ContextEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           contextIdentity         Context,
           contextIndex            INTEGER,
           contextLocal            TruthValue,
           contextViewIndex        INTEGER,
           contextLocalEntity      OCTET STRING,
           contextLocalTime        OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
           contextProxyDstParty    Party,
           contextProxySrcParty    Party,
           contextProxyContext     OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
           contextStorageType      StorageType,
           contextStatus           RowStatus

   contextIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Context
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
               "A context identifier uniquely identifying a
               particular SNMPv2 context."
       ::= { contextEntry 1 }

   contextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
               "A unique value for each SNMPv2 context.  The
               value for each SNMPv2 context must remain constant
               at least from one re-initialization of the
               entity's network management system to the next
       ::= { contextEntry 2 }

   contextLocal OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "An indication of whether this context is realized
               by this SNMPv2 entity."
       DEFVAL      { true }
       ::= { contextEntry 3 }

   contextViewIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "If the value of an instance of this object is
               zero, then this corresponding conceptual row in
               the contextTable refers to a SNMPv2 context which
               identifies a proxy relationship; the values of the
               corresponding instances of the
               contextProxyDstParty, contextProxySrcParty, and
               contextProxyContext objects provide further
               information on the proxy relationship.

               Otherwise, if the value of an instance of this
               object is greater than zero, then this
               corresponding conceptual row in the contextTable
               refers to a SNMPv2 context which identifies a MIB
               view of a locally accessible entity; the value of
               the instance identifies the particular MIB view
               which has the same value of viewIndex; and the
               value of the corresponding instances of the
               contextLocalEntity and contextLocalTime objects
               provide further information on the local entity
               and its temporal domain."
       ::= { contextEntry 4 }

   contextLocalEntity OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is greater than zero, then the
               value of an instance of this object identifies the
               local entity whose management information is in
               the SNMPv2 context's MIB view.  The empty string
               indicates that the MIB view contains the SNMPv2
               entity's own local management information;
               otherwise, a non-empty string indicates that the
               MIB view contains management information of some
               other local entity, e.g., 'Repeater1'."
       DEFVAL      { ''H }     -- the empty string
       ::= { contextEntry 5 }

   contextLocalTime OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is greater than zero, then the
               value of an instance of this object identifies the
               temporal context of the management information in
               the MIB view."
       DEFVAL      { currentTime }
       ::= { contextEntry 6 }

   contextProxyDstParty OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Party
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is equal to zero, then the value
               of an instance of this object identifies a SNMPv2
               party which is the proxy destination of a proxy

               If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is greater than zero, then the
               value of an instance of this object is { 0 0 }."
       ::= { contextEntry 7 }

   contextProxySrcParty OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Party
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is equal to zero, then the value
               of an instance of this object identifies a SNMPv2
               party which is the proxy source of a proxy

               Interpretation of an instance of this object
               depends upon the value of the transport domain
               associated with the SNMPv2 party used as the proxy
               destination in this proxy relationship.

               If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is greater than zero, then the
               value of an instance of this object is { 0 0 }."
       ::= { contextEntry 8 }

   contextProxyContext OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is equal to zero, then the value
               of an instance of this object identifies the
               context of a proxy relationship.

               Interpretation of an instance of this object
               depends upon the value of the transport domain
               associated with the SNMPv2 party used as the proxy
               destination in this proxy relationship.

               If the value of the corresponding instance of the
               contextViewIndex is greater than zero, then the
               value of an instance of this object is { 0 0 }."
       ::= { contextEntry 9 }

   contextStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      StorageType
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The storage type for this conceptual row in the
       DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
       ::= { contextEntry 10 }

   contextStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The status of this conceptual row in the

               A context is not qualified for activation until
               instances of all corresponding columns have the
               appropriate value.  In  particular, if the
               context's contextViewIndex is greater than zero,
               then the viewStatus column of the associated
               conceptual row(s) in the viewTable must have the
               value `active'.  Until instances of all
               corresponding columns are appropriately
               configured, the value of the corresponding
               instance of the contextStatus column is
       ::= { contextEntry 11 }

Next: 2.5. The SNMPv2 Access Privileges Database Group

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
2.5. The SNMPv2 Contexts Database Group