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3.4 Step 4. Process Message in 16-Word Blocks

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3.4 Step 4. Process Message in 16-Word Blocks

3.4 Step 4. Process Message in 16-Word Blocks

We first define four auxiliary functions that each take as input three 32-bit words and produce as output one 32-bit word.

          F(X,Y,Z) = XY v not(X) Z
          G(X,Y,Z) = XZ v Y not(Z)
          H(X,Y,Z) = X xor Y xor Z
          I(X,Y,Z) = Y xor (X v not(Z))

In each bit position F acts as a conditional: if X then Y else Z. The function F could have been defined using + instead of v since XY and not(X)Z will never have 1's in the same bit position.) It is interesting to note that if the bits of X, Y, and Z are independent and unbiased, the each bit of F(X,Y,Z) will be independent and unbiased.

The functions G, H, and I are similar to the function F, in that they act in "bitwise parallel" to produce their output from the bits of X, Y, and Z, in such a manner that if the corresponding bits of X, Y, and Z are independent and unbiased, then each bit of G(X,Y,Z), H(X,Y,Z), and I(X,Y,Z) will be independent and unbiased. Note that the function H is the bit-wise "xor" or "parity" function of its inputs.

This step uses a 64-element table T[1 ... 64] constructed from the sine function. Let T[i] denote the i-th element of the table, which is equal to the integer part of 4294967296 times abs(sin(i)), where i is in radians. The elements of the table are given in the appendix.

Do the following:

   /* Process each 16-word block. */
   For i = 0 to N/16-1 do
     /* Copy block i into X. */
     For j = 0 to 15 do
       Set X[j] to M[i*16+j].
     end /* of loop on j */

     /* Save A as AA, B as BB, C as CC, and D as DD. */
     AA = A
     BB = B

     CC = C
     DD = D

     /* Round 1. */
     /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
          a = b + ((a + F(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
     [ABCD  0  7  1]  [DABC  1 12  2]  [CDAB  2 17  3]  [BCDA  3 22  4]
     [ABCD  4  7  5]  [DABC  5 12  6]  [CDAB  6 17  7]  [BCDA  7 22  8]
     [ABCD  8  7  9]  [DABC  9 12 10]  [CDAB 10 17 11]  [BCDA 11 22 12]
     [ABCD 12  7 13]  [DABC 13 12 14]  [CDAB 14 17 15]  [BCDA 15 22 16]

     /* Round 2. */
     /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
          a = b + ((a + G(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
     [ABCD  1  5 17]  [DABC  6  9 18]  [CDAB 11 14 19]  [BCDA  0 20 20]
     [ABCD  5  5 21]  [DABC 10  9 22]  [CDAB 15 14 23]  [BCDA  4 20 24]
     [ABCD  9  5 25]  [DABC 14  9 26]  [CDAB  3 14 27]  [BCDA  8 20 28]
     [ABCD 13  5 29]  [DABC  2  9 30]  [CDAB  7 14 31]  [BCDA 12 20 32]

     /* Round 3. */
     /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
          a = b + ((a + H(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
     [ABCD  5  4 33]  [DABC  8 11 34]  [CDAB 11 16 35]  [BCDA 14 23 36]
     [ABCD  1  4 37]  [DABC  4 11 38]  [CDAB  7 16 39]  [BCDA 10 23 40]
     [ABCD 13  4 41]  [DABC  0 11 42]  [CDAB  3 16 43]  [BCDA  6 23 44]
     [ABCD  9  4 45]  [DABC 12 11 46]  [CDAB 15 16 47]  [BCDA  2 23 48]

     /* Round 4. */
     /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
          a = b + ((a + I(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
     [ABCD  0  6 49]  [DABC  7 10 50]  [CDAB 14 15 51]  [BCDA  5 21 52]
     [ABCD 12  6 53]  [DABC  3 10 54]  [CDAB 10 15 55]  [BCDA  1 21 56]
     [ABCD  8  6 57]  [DABC 15 10 58]  [CDAB  6 15 59]  [BCDA 13 21 60]
     [ABCD  4  6 61]  [DABC 11 10 62]  [CDAB  2 15 63]  [BCDA  9 21 64]

     /* Then perform the following additions. (That is increment each
        of the four registers by the value it had before this block
        was started.) */
     A = A + AA
     B = B + BB
     C = C + CC
     D = D + DD

   end /* of loop on i */

Next: 3.5 Step 5. Output

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
3.4 Step 4. Process Message in 16-Word Blocks