Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
5.3.2. Resources

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5.3.2. Resources

5.3.2. Resources

In addition to its own resources, the resolver may also have shared access to zones maintained by a local name server. This gives the resolver the advantage of more rapid access, but the resolver must be careful to never let cached information override zone data. In this discussion the term "local information" is meant to mean the union of the cache and such shared zones, with the understanding that authoritative data is always used in preference to cached data when both are present.

The following resolver algorithm assumes that all functions have been converted to a general lookup function, and uses the following data structures to represent the state of a request in progress in the resolver:

SNAME           the domain name we are searching for.

STYPE           the QTYPE of the search request.

SCLASS          the QCLASS of the search request.

SLIST           a structure which describes the name servers and the
                zone which the resolver is currently trying to query.
                This structure keeps track of the resolver's current
                best guess about which name servers hold the desired
                information; it is updated when arriving information
                changes the guess.  This structure includes the
                equivalent of a zone name, the known name servers for
                the zone, the known addresses for the name servers, and
                history information which can be used to suggest which
                server is likely to be the best one to try next.  The
                zone name equivalent is a match count of the number of
                labels from the root down which SNAME has in common with
                the zone being queried; this is used as a measure of how
                "close" the resolver is to SNAME.

SBELT           a "safety belt" structure of the same form as SLIST,
                which is initialized from a configuration file, and
                lists servers which should be used when the resolver
                doesn't have any local information to guide name server
                selection.  The match count will be -1 to indicate that
                no labels are known to match.

CACHE           A structure which stores the results from previous
                responses.  Since resolvers are responsible for
                discarding old RRs whose TTL has expired, most
                implementations convert the interval specified in
                arriving RRs to some sort of absolute time when the RR
                is stored in the cache.  Instead of counting the TTLs
                down individually, the resolver just ignores or discards
                old RRs when it runs across them in the course of a
                search, or discards them during periodic sweeps to
                reclaim the memory consumed by old RRs.

Next: 5.3.3. Algorithm

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
5.3.2. Resources