Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
2.2. Changes to Host Software to Support Subnets

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2.2. Changes to Host Software to Support Subnets

2.2. Changes to Host Software to Support Subnets

In most implementations of IP, there is code in the module that handles outgoing datagrams to decide if a datagram can be sent directly to the destination on the local network or if it must be sent to a gateway.

Generally the code is something like this:

         IF ip_net_number(dg.ip_dest) = ip_net_number(my_ip_addr)
                 send_dg_locally(dg, dg.ip_dest)
(If the code supports multiply-connected networks, it will be more complicated, but this is irrelevant to the current discussion.)

To support subnets, it is necessary to store one more 32-bit quantity, called my_ip_mask. This is a bit-mask with bits set in the fields corresponding to the IP network number, and additional bits set corresponding to the subnet number field.

The code then becomes:

         IF bitwise_and(dg.ip_dest, my_ip_mask)
                                   = bitwise_and(my_ip_addr, my_ip_mask)
                 send_dg_locally(dg, dg.ip_dest)
                        gateway_to(bitwise_and(dg.ip_dest, my_ip_mask)))
Of course, part of the expression in the conditional can be pre-computed.

It may or may not be necessary to modify the "gateway_to" function, so that it too takes the subnet field bits into account when performing comparisons.

To support multiply-connected hosts, the code can be changed to keep the "my_ip_addr" and "my_ip_mask" quantities on a per-interface basis; the expression in the conditional must then be evaluated for each interface.

Next: 2.3. Finding the Address Mask

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
2.2. Changes to Host Software to Support Subnets