Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
6.6. Telnet Options

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6.6. Telnet Options

6.6. Telnet Options

For convenience, all the Telnet Options are collected here with both
their state and status.

Protocol   Name                           Number  State Status  RFC STD
========   =====================================  ===== ====== ==== ===
TOPT-BIN   Binary Transmission                 0  Std   Rec     856  27
TOPT-ECHO  Echo                                1  Std   Rec     857  28
TOPT-RECN  Reconnection                        2  Prop  Ele     ...
TOPT-SUPP  Suppress Go Ahead                   3  Std   Rec     858  29
TOPT-APRX  Approx Message Size Negotiation     4  Prop  Ele     ...
TOPT-STAT  Status                              5  Std   Rec     859  30
TOPT-TIM   Timing Mark                         6  Std   Rec     860  31
TOPT-REM   Remote Controlled Trans and Echo    7  Prop  Ele     726
TOPT-OLW   Output Line Width                   8  Prop  Ele     ...
TOPT-OPS   Output Page Size                    9  Prop  Ele     ...
TOPT-OCRD  Output Carriage-Return Disposition 10  Hist  Ele     652    *
TOPT-OHT   Output Horizontal Tabstops         11  Hist  Ele     653    *
TOPT-OHTD  Output Horizontal Tab Disposition  12  Hist  Ele     654    *
TOPT-OFD   Output Formfeed Disposition        13  Hist  Ele     655    *
TOPT-OVT   Output Vertical Tabstops           14  Hist  Ele     656    *
TOPT-OVTD  Output Vertical Tab Disposition    15  Hist  Ele     657    *
TOPT-OLD   Output Linefeed Disposition        16  Hist  Ele     658    *
TOPT-EXT   Extended ASCII                     17  Prop  Ele     698
TOPT-LOGO  Logout                             18  Prop  Ele     727
TOPT-BYTE  Byte Macro                         19  Prop  Ele     735
TOPT-DATA  Data Entry Terminal                20  Prop  Ele    1043
TOPT-SUP   SUPDUP                             21  Prop  Ele     736
TOPT-SUPO  SUPDUP Output                      22  Prop  Ele     749
TOPT-SNDL  Send Location                      23  Prop  Ele     779
TOPT-TERM  Terminal Type                      24  Prop  Ele    1091
TOPT-EOR   End of Record                      25  Prop  Ele     885
TOPT-TACACS  TACACS User Identification       26  Prop  Ele     927
TOPT-OM    Output Marking                     27  Prop  Ele     933
TOPT-TLN   Terminal Location Number           28  Prop  Ele     946
TOPT-3270  Telnet 3270 Regime                 29  Prop  Ele    1041
TOPT-X.3   X.3 PAD                            30  Prop  Ele    1053
TOPT-NAWS  Negotiate About Window Size        31  Prop  Ele    1073
TOPT-TS    Terminal Speed                     32  Prop  Ele    1079
TOPT-RFC   Remote Flow Control                33  Prop  Ele    1372
TOPT-LINE  Linemode                           34  Draft Ele    1184
TOPT-XDL   X Display Location                 35  Prop  Ele    1096
TOPT-ENVIR Telnet Environment Option          36  Hist  Not    1408
TOPT-AUTH  Telnet Authentication Option       37  Exp   Ele    1416
TOPT-ENVIR Telnet Environment Option          39  Prop  Ele    1572
TOPT-TN3270E TN3270 Enhancements              40  Draft Ele    2355    *
TOPT-AUTH  Telnet XAUTH                       41  Exp
TOPT-CHARSET Telnet CHARSET                   42  Exp          2066
TOPR-RSP   Telnet Remote Serial Port          43  Exp
TOPT-COMPORT Telnet Com Port Control          44  Exp          2217
TOPT-SLE   Telnet Suppress Local Echo         45  Exp                  *
TOPT-STARTTLS Telnet Start TLS                46  Exp                  *
TOPT-KERMIT   Telnet KERMIT                   47  Exp                  *
TOPT-SEND-URL Send-URL                        48  Exp                  *
TOPT-EXTOP Extended-Options-List             255  Std   Rec     861  32

[Note: an asterisk at the end of a line indicates a change from the
previous edition of this document.]

Next: 6.7. Experimental Protocols

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
6.6. Telnet Options