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2.2 Merging Flowspecs

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2.2 Merging Flowspecs

2.2 Merging Flowspecs

A Resv message forwarded to a previous hop carries a flowspec that is the "largest" of the flowspecs requested by the next hops to which the data flow will be sent (however, see Section 3.5 for a different merging rule used in certain cases). We say the flowspecs have been "merged". The examples shown in Section 1.4 illustrated another case of merging, when there are multiple reservation requests from different next hops for the same session and with the same filter spec, but RSVP should install only one reservation on that interface. Here again, the installed reservation should have an effective flowspec that is the "largest" of the flowspecs requested by the different next hops.

Since flowspecs are opaque to RSVP, the actual rules for comparing flowspecs must be defined and implemented outside RSVP proper. The comparison rules are defined in the appropriate integrated service specification document. An RSVP implementation will need to call service-specific routines to perform flowspec merging.

Note that flowspecs are generally multi-dimensional vectors; they may contain both Tspec and Rspec components, each of which may itself be multi-dimensional. Therefore, it may not be possible to strictly order two flowspecs. For example, if one request calls for a higher bandwidth and another calls for a tighter delay bound, one is not "larger" than the other. In such a case, instead of taking the larger, the service-specific merging routines must be able to return a third flowspec that is at least as large as each; mathematically, this is the "least upper bound" (LUB). In some cases, a flowspec at least as small is needed; this is the "greatest lower bound" (GLB) GLB (Greatest Lower Bound).

The following steps are used to calculate the effective flowspec (Re, Te) to be installed on an interface [RFC 2210]. Here Te is the effective Tspec and Re is the effective Rspec.

  1. An effective flowspec is determined for the outgoing interface. Depending upon the link-layer technology, this may require merging flowspecs from different next hops; this means computing the effective flowspec as the LUB of the flowspecs. Note that what flowspecs to merge is determined by the link layer medium (see Section 3.11.2), while how to merge them is determined by the service model in use [RFC 2210].

    The result is a flowspec that is opaque to RSVP but actually consists of the pair (Re, Resv_Te), where is Re is the effective Rspec and Resv_Te is the effective Tspec.

  2. A service-specific calculation of Path_Te, the sum of all Tspecs that were supplied in Path messages from different previous hops (e.g., some or all of A, B, and B' in Figure 9), is performed.

  3. (Re, Resv_Te) and Path_Te are passed to traffic control. Traffic control will compute the effective flowspec as the "minimum" of Path_Te and Resv_Te, in a service-dependent manner.

Section 3.11.6 defines a generic set of service-specific calls to compare flowspecs, to compute the LUB and GLB of flowspecs, and to compare and sum Tspecs.

Next: 2.3 Soft State

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
2.2 Merging Flowspecs