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3. Information Modules

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3. Information Modules

3. Information Modules

An "information module" is an ASN.1 module defining information relating to network management.

The SMI describes how to use a subset of ASN.1 to define an information module. Further, additional restrictions are placed on "standard" information modules. It is strongly recommended that "enterprise-specific" information modules also adhere to these restrictions.

Typically, there are three kinds of information modules:

  1. MIB modules, which contain definitions of inter-related managed objects, make use of the OBJECT-TYPE and NOTIFICATION-TYPE macros;

  2. compliance statements for MIB modules, which make use of the MODULE-COMPLIANCE and OBJECT-GROUP macros [2]; and,

  3. capability statements for agent implementations which make use of the AGENT-CAPABILITIES macros [2].

This classification scheme does not imply a rigid taxonomy. For example, a "standard" information module will normally include definitions of managed objects and a compliance statement. Similarly, an "enterprise-specific" information module might include definitions of managed objects and a capability statement. Of course, a "standard" information module may not contain capability statements.

The constructs of ASN.1 allowed in SNMPv2 information modules include: the IMPORTS clause, value definitions for OBJECT IDENTIFIERs, type definitions for SEQUENCEs (with restrictions), ASN.1 type assignments of the restricted ASN.1 types allowed in SNMPv2, and instances of ASN.1 macros defined in this document and in other documents [2, 3] of the SNMPv2 framework. Additional ASN.1 macros may not be defined in SNMPv2 information modules.

The names of all standard information modules must be unique (but different versions of the same information module should have the same name). Developers of enterprise information modules are encouraged to choose names for their information modules that will have a low probability of colliding with standard or other enterprise information modules. An information module may not use the ASN.1 construct of placing an object identifier value between the module name and the "DEFINITIONS" keyword.

All information modules start with exactly one invocation of the MODULE-IDENTITY macro, which provides contact information as well as revision history to distinguish between versions of the same information module. This invocation must appear immediately after any IMPORTs statements.

Next: 3.1. Macro Invocation

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
3. Information Modules