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4.2 Guidelines for Sample-Based Audio Encodings

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4.2 Guidelines for Sample-Based Audio Encodings

4.2 Guidelines for Sample-Based Audio Encodings

In sample-based encodings, each audio sample is represented by a fixed number of bits. Within the compressed audio data, codes for individual samples may span octet boundaries. An RTP audio packet may contain any number of audio samples, subject to the constraint that the number of bits per sample times the number of samples per packet yields an integral octet count. Fractional encodings produce less than one octet per sample.

The duration of an audio packet is determined by the number of samples in the packet.

For sample-based encodings producing one or more octets per sample, samples from different channels sampled at the same sampling instant are packed in consecutive octets. For example, for a two-channel encoding, the octet sequence is (left channel, first sample), (right channel, first sample), (left channel, second sample), (right channel, second sample), .... For multi-octet encodings, octets are transmitted in network byte order (i.e., most significant octet first).

The packing of sample-based encodings producing less than one octet per sample is encoding-specific.

Next: 4.3 Guidelines for Frame-Based Audio Encodings

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4.2 Guidelines for Sample-Based Audio Encodings