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5.7. Phrase Markup

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5.7. Phrase Markup

5.7. Phrase Markup

Phrases may be marked up according to idiomatic usage, typographic appearance, or for use as hyperlink anchors.

User agents must render highlighted phrases distinctly from plain text. Additionally, <EM> content must be rendered as distinct from <STRONG> content, and <B> content must rendered as distinct from <I> content.

Phrase elements may be nested within the content of other phrase elements; however, HTML user agents may render nested phrase elements indistinctly from non-nested elements:

   plain <B>bold <I>italic</I></B> may be rendered
   the same as plain <B>bold </B><I>italic</I>

Next: 5.7.1. Idiomatic Elements

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
5.7. Phrase Markup