Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
9.7.1. Numeric and Special Graphic Entity Set

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9.7.1. Numeric and Special Graphic Entity Set

9.7.1. Numeric and Special Graphic Entity Set

The following table lists each of the characters included from the Numeric and Special Graphic entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description. This list is derived from `ISO Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN'. However, HTML does not include for the entire entity set -- only the entities listed below are included.

    <       lt      &lt;    Less than sign
    >       gt      &gt;    Greater than signn
    &       amp     &amp;   Ampersand
    "       quot    &quot;  Double quote sign

Next: 9.7.2. ISO Latin 1 Character Entity Set

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
9.7.1. Numeric and Special Graphic Entity Set