Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
A.5. KRB_TGS_REQ generation

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Prev: A.4. KRB_AS_REP and KRB_TGS_REP common checks
Next: A.6. KRB_TGS_REQ verification and KRB_TGS_REP generation

A.5. KRB_TGS_REQ generation

A.5. KRB_TGS_REQ generation

        /* Note that make_application_request might have to     */
        /* recursivly call this routine to get the appropriate  */
        /* ticket-granting ticket                               */

        request.pvno := protocol version; /* pvno = 5 */
        request.msg-type := message type; /* type = KRB_TGS_REQ */

        body.kdc-options := users's preferences;
        /* If the TGT is not for the realm of the end-server  */
        /* then the sname will be for a TGT for the end-realm */
        /* and the realm of the requested ticket (body.realm) */
        /* will be that of the TGS to which the TGT we are    */
        /* sending applies                                    */
        body.sname := service's name;
        body.realm := service's realm;

        if (body.kdc-options.POSTDATED is set) then
                body.from := requested starting time;
                omit body.from;
        body.till := requested end time;
        if (body.kdc-options.RENEWABLE is set) then
                body.rtime := requested final renewal time;
        body.nonce := random_nonce();
        body.etype := requested etypes;
        if (user supplied addresses) then
                body.addresses := user's addresses;
                omit body.addresses;

        body.enc-authorization-data := user-supplied data;
        if (body.kdc-options.ENC-TKT-IN-SKEY) then
                body.additional-tickets_ticket := second TGT;

        request.req-body := body;
        check := generate_checksum (req.body,checksumtype);

        request.padata[0].padata-type := PA-TGS-REQ;
        request.padata[0].padata-value := create a KRB_AP_REQ using
                                      the TGT and checksum

        /* add in any other padata as required/supplied */

        kerberos := lookup(name of local kerberose server (or servers));

        wait(for response);
        if (timed_out) then
                retry or use alternate server;

Next: A.6. KRB_TGS_REQ verification and KRB_TGS_REP generation

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
A.5. KRB_TGS_REQ generation