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2.4. The SNMPv2 Party Database Group

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2.4. The SNMPv2 Party Database Group

2.4. The SNMPv2 Party Database Group

   -- the SNMPv2 party database group

   snmpParties    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { partyMIBObjects 1 }

   partyTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF PartyEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
               "The SNMPv2 Party database."
       ::= { snmpParties 1 }

   partyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      PartyEntry
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
               "Locally held information about a particular
               SNMPv2 party."
       INDEX      { IMPLIED partyIdentity }
       ::= { partyTable 1 }

   PartyEntry ::=
       SEQUENCE {
           partyIdentity        Party,
           partyIndex           INTEGER,
           partyTDomain         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
           partyTAddress        TAddress,
           partyMaxMessageSize  INTEGER,
           partyLocal           TruthValue,
           partyAuthProtocol    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
           partyAuthClock       Clock,
           partyAuthPrivate     OCTET STRING,
           partyAuthPublic      OCTET STRING,
           partyAuthLifetime    INTEGER,
           partyPrivProtocol    OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
           partyPrivPrivate     OCTET STRING,
           partyPrivPublic      OCTET STRING,
           partyCloneFrom       Party,
           partyStorageType     StorageType,
           partyStatus          RowStatus

   partyIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Party
       MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
       STATUS      current
               "A party identifier uniquely identifying a
               particular SNMPv2 party."
       ::= { partyEntry 1 }

   partyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
               "A unique value for each SNMPv2 party.  The value
               for each SNMPv2 party must remain constant at
               least from one re-initialization of the entity's
               network management system to the next re-
       ::= { partyEntry 2 }

   partyTDomain OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "Indicates the kind of transport service by which
               the party receives network management traffic."
       DEFVAL      { snmpUDPDomain }
       ::= { partyEntry 3 }

   partyTAddress OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TAddress
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The transport service address by which the party
               receives network management traffic, formatted
               according to the corresponding value of
               partyTDomain.  For snmpUDPDomain, partyTAddress is
               formatted as a 4-octet IP Address concatenated
               with a 2-octet UDP port number."
       DEFVAL      { '000000000000'H }
       ::= { partyEntry 4 }

   partyMaxMessageSize OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER (484..65507)
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The maximum length in octets of a SNMPv2 message
               which this party will accept.  For parties which
               execute at an agent, the agent initializes this
               object to the maximum length supported by the
               agent, and does not let the object be set to any
               larger value.  For parties which do not execute at
               the agent, the agent must allow the manager to set
               this object to any legal value, even if it is
               larger than the agent can generate."
       DEFVAL      { 484 }
       ::= { partyEntry 5 }

   partyLocal OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      TruthValue
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "An indication of whether this party executes at
               this SNMPv2 entity.  If this object has a value of
               true(1), then the SNMPv2 entity will listen for
               SNMPv2 messages on the partyTAddress associated
               with this party.  If this object has the value
               false(2), then the SNMPv2 entity will not listen
               for SNMPv2 messages on the partyTAddress
               associated with this party."
       DEFVAL      { false }
       ::= { partyEntry 6 }

   partyAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The authentication protocol by which all messages
               generated by the party are authenticated as to
               origin and integrity.  The value noAuth signifies
               that messages generated by the party are not

               Once an instance of this object is created, its
               value can not be changed."
       DEFVAL      { v2md5AuthProtocol }
       ::= { partyEntry 7 }

   partyAuthClock OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Clock
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The authentication clock which represents the
               local notion of the current time specific to the
               party.  This value must not be decremented unless
               the party's private authentication key is changed
       DEFVAL      { 0 }
       ::= { partyEntry 8 }

   partyAuthPrivate OBJECT-TYPE
                   -- for v2md5AuthProtocol: (SIZE (16))
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "An encoding of the party's private authentication
               key which may be needed to support the
               authentication protocol.  Although the value of
               this variable may be altered by a management
               operation (e.g., a SNMPv2 Set-Request), its value
               can never be retrieved by a management operation:
               when read, the value of this variable is the zero
               length OCTET STRING.

               The private authentication key is NOT directly
               represented by the value of this variable, but
               rather it is represented according to an encoding.
               This encoding is the bitwise exclusive-OR of the
               old key with the new key, i.e., of the old private
               authentication key (prior to the alteration) with
               the new private authentication key (after the
               alteration).  Thus, when processing a received
               protocol Set operation, the new private
               authentication key is obtained from the value of
               this variable as the result of a bitwise
               exclusive-OR of the variable's value and the old
               private authentication key.  In calculating the
               exclusive-OR, if the old key is shorter than the
               new key, zero-valued padding is appended to the
               old key.  If no value for the old key exists, a
               zero-length OCTET STRING is used in the
       DEFVAL      { ''H }     -- the empty string
       ::= { partyEntry 9 }

   partyAuthPublic OBJECT-TYPE
                   -- for v2md5AuthProtocol: (SIZE (0..16))
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "A publically-readable value for the party.

               Depending on the party's authentication protocol,
               this value may be needed to support the party's
               authentication protocol.  Alternatively, it may be
               used by a manager during the procedure for
               altering secret information about a party.  (For
               example, by altering the value of an instance of
               this object in the same SNMPv2 Set-Request used to
               update an instance of partyAuthPrivate, a
               subsequent Get-Request can determine if the Set-
               Request was successful in the event that no
               response to the Set-Request is received, see [4].)

               The length of the value is dependent on the
               party's authentication protocol.  If not used by
               the authentication protocol, it is recommended
               that agents support values of any length up to and
               including the length of the corresponding
               partyAuthPrivate object."
       DEFVAL      { ''H }      -- the empty string
       ::= { partyEntry 10 }

   partyAuthLifetime OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
       UNITS       "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The lifetime (in units of seconds) which
               represents an administrative upper bound on
               acceptable delivery delay for protocol messages
               generated by the party.

               Once an instance of this object is created, its
               value can not be changed."
       DEFVAL      { 300 }
       ::= { partyEntry 11 }

   partyPrivProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The privacy protocol by which all protocol
               messages received by the party are protected from
               disclosure.  The value noPriv signifies that
               messages received by the party are not protected.

               Once an instance of this object is created, its
               value can not be changed."
       DEFVAL      { noPriv }
       ::= { partyEntry 12 }

   partyPrivPrivate OBJECT-TYPE
                   -- for desPrivProtocol: (SIZE (16))
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "An encoding of the party's private encryption key
               which may be needed to support the privacy
               protocol.  Although the value of this variable may
               be altered by a management operation (e.g., a
               SNMPv2 Set-Request), its value can never be
               retrieved by a management operation: when read,
               the value of this variable is the zero length
               OCTET STRING.

               The private encryption key is NOT directly
               represented by the value of this variable, but
               rather it is represented according to an encoding.
               This encoding is the bitwise exclusive-OR of the
               old key with the new key, i.e., of the old private
               encryption key (prior to the alteration) with the
               new private encryption key (after the alteration).
               Thus, when processing a received protocol Set
               operation, the new private encryption key is
               obtained from the value of this variable as the
               result of a bitwise exclusive-OR of the variable's
               value and the old private encryption key.  In
               calculating the exclusive-OR, if the old key is
               shorter than the new key, zero-valued padding is
               appended to the old key.  If no value for the old
               key exists, a zero-length OCTET STRING is used in
               the calculation."
       DEFVAL      { ''H }     -- the empty string
       ::= { partyEntry 13 }

   partyPrivPublic OBJECT-TYPE
                   -- for desPrivProtocol: (SIZE (0..16))
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "A publically-readable value for the party.

               Depending on the party's privacy protocol, this
               value may be needed to support the party's privacy
               protocol.  Alternatively, it may be used by a
               manager as a part of its procedure for altering
               secret information about a party.  (For example,
               by altering the value of an instance of this
               object in the same SNMPv2 Set-Request used to
               update an instance of partyPrivPrivate, a
               subsequent Get-Request can determine if the Set-
               Request was successful in the event that no
               response to the Set-Request is received, see [4].)

               The length of the value is dependent on the
               party's privacy protocol.  If not used by the
               privacy protocol, it is recommended that agents
               support values of any length up to and including
               the length of the corresponding partyPrivPrivate
       DEFVAL      { ''H }     -- the empty string
       ::= { partyEntry 14 }

   partyCloneFrom OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      Party
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The identity of a party to clone authentication
               and privacy parameters from.  When read, the value
               { 0 0 } is returned.

               This value must be written exactly once, when the
               associated instance of partyStatus either does not
               exist or has the value `notReady'.  When written,
               the value identifies a party, the cloning party,
               whose status column has the value `active'.  The
               cloning party is used in two ways.

               One, if instances of the following objects do not
               exist for the party being created, then they are
               created with values identical to those of the
               corresponding objects for the cloning party:


               Two, instances of the following objects are
               updated using the corresponding values of the
               cloning party:


               (e.g., the value of the cloning party's instance
               of the partyAuthPrivate object is XOR'd with the
               value of the partyAuthPrivate instances of the
               party being created.)"
       ::= { partyEntry 15 }

   partyStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      StorageType
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The storage type for this conceptual row in the
       DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
       ::= { partyEntry 16 }

   partyStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX      RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS  read-create
       STATUS      current
               "The status of this conceptual row in the

               A party is not qualified for activation until
               instances of all columns of its partyEntry row
               have an appropriate value.  In particular:

                 A value must be written to the Party's
                 partyCloneFrom object.

                 If the Party's partyAuthProtocol object has the
                 value md5AuthProtocol, then the corresponding
                 instance of partyAuthPrivate must contain a
                 secret of the appropriate length.  Further, at
                 least one management protocol set operation
                 updating the value of the party's
                 partyAuthPrivate object must be successfully
                 processed, before the partyAuthPrivate column is
                 considered appropriately configured.

                 If the Party's partyPrivProtocol object has the
                 value desPrivProtocol, then the corresponding
                 instance of partyPrivPrivate must contain a
                 secret of the appropriate length.  Further, at
                 least one management protocol set operation
                 updating the value of the party's
                 partyPrivPrivate object must be successfully
                 processed, before the partyPrivPrivate column is
                 considered appropriately configured.

              Until instances of all corresponding columns are
              appropriately configured, the value of the
              corresponding instance of the partyStatus column is
       ::= { partyEntry 17 }

Next: 2.5. The SNMPv2 Contexts Database Group

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
2.4. The SNMPv2 Party Database Group