Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia Entity Identifier Subfield

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Up: RFC 1421
Up: 5. Key Management
Up: 5.2 Interchange Keys (IKs)
Up: 5.2.1 Subfield Definitions
Prev: 5.2.1 Subfield Definitions
Next: Issuing Authority Subfield Entity Identifier Subfield Entity Identifier Subfield

An entity identifier (used only for "Originator-ID-Symmetric:" and "Recipient-ID-Symmetric:" fields) is constructed as an IKsubfld. More restrictively, an entity identifier subfield assumes the following form:


In order to support universal interoperability, it is necessary to assume a universal form for the naming information. For the case of installations which transform local host names before transmission into the broader Internet, it is strongly recommended that the host name as presented to the Internet be employed.

Next: Issuing Authority Subfield

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia Entity Identifier Subfield